他人様のブログを和訳・"A Simple AppSettings Type Provider"



今日もDaniel Mohl さんのブログから、2011年9月29日のエントリです

2011/09/29 シンプルな AppSetting Type Provider

F# 3.0 Developer Preview が公開され、私は自由時間の多くをType Providerで遊んで過ごしています。

Type Providerを使うための導入ガイドとサンプルの発表もあって、

かなりの量の実験をした後、私は最初のType Providerを書いてみました。

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
            <add key="test2" value="Some Test Value 5"/>  
            <add key="TestInt" value="102"/>  
            <add key="TestBool" value="True"/>  
            <add key="TestDouble" value="10.01"/>  
Type Provider のコードは以下の通りです:
namespace AppSettingsTypeProvider

open System
open System.IO
open System.Reflection
open Samples.FSharpPreviewRelease2011.ProvidedTypes
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open System.Configuration

type public AppSettingsProvider(config:TypeProviderConfig) as this =
    inherit TypeProviderForNamespaces()

    let namespaceName = "AppSettingsTypeProvider"
    let currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
    let tySettings = ProvidedTypeDefinition(currentAssembly, namespaceName, "AppSettings", Some typeof<obj>)

    let addSettings (configFileName:string) (tyDef:ProvidedTypeDefinition) =
        tyDef.AddXmlDocDelayed(fun () -> sprintf "Provides a strongly typed representation of the appSettings in a provided config file.")

        let filePath = Path.Combine(config.ResolutionFolder, configFileName)
        let fileMap = ExeConfigurationFileMap(ExeConfigFilename=filePath)
        let appSettings = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(fileMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None).AppSettings.Settings
        let tryParseWith func = func >> function
            | true, value -> Some value
            | false, _ -> None

        let (|Bool|_|) = tryParseWith Boolean.TryParse
        let (|Int|_|) = tryParseWith Int32.TryParse
        let (|Double|_|) = tryParseWith Double.TryParse

        do Seq.iter (fun (key) ->
            let keyElement = match (appSettings.Item key).Value with
                             | Int fieldValue -> ProvidedLiteralField(key, typeof<int>, fieldValue)
                             | Bool fieldValue -> ProvidedLiteralField(key, typeof<bool>, fieldValue)
                             | Double fieldValue -> ProvidedLiteralField(key, typeof<Double>, fieldValue)
                             | fieldValue -> ProvidedLiteralField(key, typeof<string>, fieldValue.ToString())

            do keyElement.AddXmlDocDelayed(fun () -> sprintf "Returns the value from the appSetting with key %s" key)
            do tyDef.AddMember keyElement ) appSettings.AllKeys
    let staticParams = [ProvidedStaticParameter("configFilePath", typeof<string>)]

    do tySettings.DefineStaticParameters(staticParams,
        fun typeName args ->
            match args with
            | [| :? string as configFileName |] ->
                let ty = ProvidedTypeDefinition(assembly = currentAssembly,
                            namespaceName = namespaceName, typeName = typeName,
                            baseType = Some typeof<obj>, HideObjectMethods = true)
                addSettings configFileName ty
            | _ -> failwith "unexpected parameter values")
    do this.AddNamespace(namespaceName, [tySettings])
#r "System"  
#r @"bin\debug\AppSettingsTypeProvider.dll"  
open System  
open AppSettingsTypeProvider  
type settings = AppSettings<"App.config">  
printfn "Test2 String: %s" settings.test2   
printfn "Test Int: %i" settings.TestInt   
printfn "Test Bool: %b" settings.TestBool    


F#3.0Betaが発表(Introducing Visual F# 3.0 Beta! | Visual Studio F# Team Blog)された今、少し古いかなと思いましたが、
Type Provider をどのように使えば良いのか全然分からなかったので翻訳しました。
やっぱり難しいですねType Provider...